Top 5 Book Bloggers

My TOP 5 Book Bloggers [Week 2]

Hello my bookish friends!

It’s a tough week because I currently have 14 book bloggers on my list for Week 2! Maybe I need to change it into Top 15? Kidding! As much as I want to include these 14 lovely people on my Weekly Book Bloggers, I also want to stick with my goal to only post the Top 5. Rest assured, I will include them in the following weeks.

My only criteria for this is basically the bloggers that I keep on coming back for or I visit and read most of their bookish blogs for the whole week.


* WEEK 2 *


1. Jenna of

2. Melanie of

3. Jenn of

4. Kacey of

5. Chaz of




Donā€™t forget to visit their websites and show them some LOVE!

Stay tuned for Week 3! It might be YOU. šŸ˜‰

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